Flexible Random String Generator with PHP

on Wednesday, 06 April 2011.

This is a short  and relatively simple tutorial with some useful php functions to generate unique random alphanumeric codes. These can be useful for generating url codes, like the ones featured in bit.ly, tinyurl, youtube etc.

These php functions allow you to create as many codes as you like with the characters you chose. It also lets you add in your existing codes so that you don't get duplicates.

I've used the character set '23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ' you'll notice I removed 01OI as some fonts make this hard to distinguish the difference.


function createRandomString($string_length, $character_set) {
  $random_string = array();
  for ($i = 1; $i <= $string_length; $i++) {
    $rand_character = $character_set[rand(0, strlen($character_set) - 1)];
    $random_string[] = $rand_character;
  return implode('', $random_string);

function validUniqueString($string_collection, $new_string, $existing_strings='') {
  if (!strlen($string_collection) && !strlen($existing_strings))
    return true;
  $combined_strings = $string_collection . ", " . $existing_strings;
  return (strlen(strpos($combined_strings, $new_string))) ? false : true;

function createRandomStringCollection($string_length, $number_of_strings, $character_set, $existing_strings = '') {
  $string_collection = '';
  for ($i = 1; $i <= $number_of_strings; $i++) {
    $random_string = createRandomString($string_length, $character_set);
    while (!validUniqueString($string_collection, $random_string, $existing_strings)) {
      $random_string = createRandomString($string_length, $character_set);
    $string_collection .= ( !strlen($string_collection)) ? $random_string : ", " . $random_string;
  return $string_collection;

$character_set = '23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ';
$existing_strings = "NXC, BRL, CVN";
$string_length = 3;
$number_of_strings = 10;
echo createRandomStringCollection($string_length, $number_of_strings, $character_set, $existing_strings);

Sample Output

QPP, 9EK, 67J, TAA, 23X, BWV, YWP, G8W, 3LJ, A8G

PHP References

Examples of Usage

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